Sentence Fixer for Transforming Your Paper from Good to Perfect

Get rid of spelling issues
Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

Nowadays, students from numerous fields are extensively relying on free online grammar and sentence structure checker tools to transform their papers from good to perfect for many good reasons. The benefits of using sentence improver heavily outweigh the attraction of traditional ways of manual editing on multiple grounds. Due to those benefits, the use of proper sentence checker has become a new trend in students for their academic writings.

Let’s have a look at major components to care about for checking grammar mistakes while writing a paper and the useful tips on how to improve grammar of your paper and also the main reasons for using online sentence corrector, in this article.

Major Components to Care About While Checking Sentences for Correct Grammar

How to check whether a sentence is grammatically correct? You need to take care of numerous components related to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. You need to take care of the smoothness, effectiveness, and tone of the paper to make sure that your paper is good in all aspects.

checking sentences for correct grammar

The major components to care about while writing a perfect paper are listed below:

  • Check for the correct use of active and passive voice
  • Make sure no subject-verb disagreement exists  
  • The use of proper nouns and pronouns are as per capitalization rules
  • Use correct sentence as well as title capitalization
  • The use of preposition should be as per agreed grammatical rules
  • Prepositional phrases should be used correctly
  • The sentence spelling check should be in accordance with the selected accent of the English language
  • Check for tense shifting in both sentences and paragraphs
  • Make sure no run-on sentence exists in the paper
  • Proper punctuation should be checked in the paper
  • There should be no overuse of adverbs
  • Avoid ambiguous squinting modifiers in the sentences
  • The text should not be so wordy
  • Check for the use of strong verbs and accurate word choice
  • Avoid comma splicing in the sentences
  • Make sure no tautologies exist in the sentences
  • Avoid misuses of “its” and it’s”
  • Check for the correct use of apostrophes in the text
  • Always check for fused sentences

Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Grammar and Sentence Structure

How to edit my sentence or change the wording of my sentence to make its structure and grammar perfect? This is one of the most difficult questions in the minds of students while writing academic papers and essays. You need to take care of many things to improve the grammar and structure of your sentences.

Let’s check out a few very useful tips and tricks that will help you improve the structure as well as the grammar of your sentences in academic writing.

how to improve sentences online

#1. Follow basic structure of sentence (subject+verb+object)

This is the most fundamental tip to improve your sentence structure in line with grammar rules. You need to follow the basic rule in which you have to put the subject at the starting of the sentence followed by a suitable form of the verb and finally the object of the sentence.

#2. Always choose the right action verbs and words

If you choose the most suitable word and the accurate verb to describe the action of the sentence, your sentence becomes not only grammatically correct but also looks more professional. Avoid using a long phrase in place of an accurate action verb to make your sentence clear and accurate.

#3. Correct punctuation punches out any errors

If you use punctuation correctly, you can make your sentence free from numerous grammatical errors as well as make the sentence structure more professional, as mentioned below:

  • Removes run-on sentence
  • Eliminates comma splicing
  • Reduces sentence fragments
  • And many others

#4. Use proper conjunctions to avoid fragments

Using proper conjunctions to connect the fused sentences as well as sentence fragments can improve the structure of sentences significantly. So, follow this trick strictly to make your sentences structurally great.

#5. Use our online sentence punctuation checker tool

Is this sentence grammatically correct? If you are not sure about that just try our professional-grade online tool for grammar and spell check to make your sentence grammatically correct. You can improve sentences online for free without any hassle. This is the biggest tip to enhance the structure and grammar of your paper.

Top Issues That Students Face to Check Sentences Structure and Grammar in Papers

According to the English Teaching Journal information, the use of incorrect verb-tense forms, subject-verb disagreements, and misuse of nouns are the top three writing issues that students face while writing their academic papers. There are many other grammatical and sentence structure issues that the students face when they write their academic papers or essays.

top issues to fix with sentence fixer

A few of those students’ issues that have been detected in the sentence grammar check of student papers are listed below:

  • Comma misuses and comma splices
  • Incorrect use of forms of irregular verbs
  • Misuses of apostrophes
  • Active and passive voice misuses
  • Excessive use of passive voices
  • Spelling mistakes due to conflicting selection of English accents
  • The use of ambiguous modifier  
  • Misplacing the pronoun position
  • Tautology and use of redundant words
  • Wrong choice of words
  • Misuse of prepositional phrases
  • Improper selection for the action verbs

Our online sentence fixer can help you find and fix all of the above mistakes by providing highly accurate suggestions to remove the mistakes. Our online tool can address not only the above-mentioned grammatical issues but also can help you improve your papers through many other additional capabilities such as sentence helper vocabulary, punctuation corrector, and others.

Telltale Signs of a Truly Good Sentence Editor

Choosing the right sentence editor is a tricky process in the presence of hundreds of such tools that claim to be professional and reliable tools. In such circumstances, you should check for the following telltale signs to make sure that you chose the right one:

  • The web interface of a good grammar checker tool should look professional
  • Should be able to catch and fix all types of grammatical issues
  • The online tool should provide a detailed explanation for the multiple correction options separately
  • Must check for the tone, effectiveness, and smoothness of the paper
  • Should detect all mistakes related to punctuation and spelling
  • Should support multiple accents of English to avoid any kinds of subtle mismatching of spelling and sentence structures  
  • Should detect the text plagiarized text in the paper so that the writers can remove and make the paper free of any kinds of plagiarism
  • Should use the most powerful and the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing, and others
  • Should provide a detailed report for the monthly and weekly text checking status
  • A professional-level tool is known for the better user experience; so, you should check for the user reviews and feedback to make sure the accuracy and other operational parameters work efficiently
  • Check for the pricing plans and make sure that the online grammar and spelling checker tool that you selected offers freemium as well as trial plans

Why Do Students Prefer Using English Sentences Corrector Instead of Manual Editing?

In recent years, the use of English sentence correctors in students has achieved huge popularity. This popularity is influenced by many great reasons for the students. Meanwhile, the popularity of traditional ways of manual editing is slowly decreasing, especially in the students for checking their papers and essays.

The main reasons for the increase in the popularity of online tools over manual editing are listed below:

  • Online tools are very simple and easy to use
  • Very intuitive to check for the mistakes and fix them without any tough learning curve
  • The availability of online grammar and sentence structure tools is round the clock (24×7)
  • No need to get an appointment for checking your paper from a manual editor
  • Online tools offer instant results
  • Faster turnaround time as compared to the manual editing  
  • Online tools provide a high level of accuracy in the results
  • The use of cutting-edge technologies improves user experience
  • Most of the tools are free to use, which suits the students the most
  • The majority of the tools have a comprehensive set of capabilities to make the writings great
  • Manual editing can miss the mistakes due to human error; but, the computer-aided tool cannot miss any mistakes defined within the algorithms
  • Manual editing is costly as compared to even the paid versions of online tools

If you want to transform your papers and essays from good to perfect, give a try to our amazing and professional sentence fixer online right away!